The Missing 13th Amendment: “TITLES OF NOBILITY” AND “HONOR”

This Article Appears at Freedom School – Fair Use

Date 08/01/91
David Dodge, Researcher
Alfred Adask, Editor

The Missing 13th Amendment

In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn, were searching for evidence of government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on the coast of Maine. By chance, they discovered the library’s oldest authentic copy of the Constitution of the United States (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this document included a 13th Amendment that no longer appears on current copies of the Constitution. Moreover, after studying the Amendment’s language and historical context, they realized the principle intent of this “missing” 13th Amendment was to prohibit lawyers from serving in government.

So began a seven year, nationwide search for the truth surrounding the most bizarre Constitutional puzzle in American history — the unlawful removal of a ratified Amendment from the Constitution of the United States. Since 1983, Dodge and Dunn have uncovered additional copies of the Constitution with the “missing” 13th Amendment printed in at least eighteen separate publications by ten different states and territories over four decades from 1822 to 1860.

In June of this year (1991), Dodge uncovered the evidence that this missing 13th Amendment had indeed been lawfully ratified by the state of Virginia and was therefore an authentic Amendment to the American Constitution. If the evidence is correct and no logical errors have been made, a 13th Amendment restricting lawyers from serving in government was ratified in 1819 and removed from our Constitution during the tumult of the Civil War.

Since the Amendment was never lawfully repealed, it is still the Law today. The implications are enormous.

The story of this “missing” Amendment is complex and at times confusing because the political issues and vocabulary of the American Revolution were different from our own. However, there are essentially two issues: What does the Amendment mean? and, Was the Amendment ratified? Before we consider the issue of ratification, we should first understand the Amendment’s meaning and consequent current relevance.

MEANING of the 13th Amendment

The “missing” 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows:

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.” [Emphasis added.}

At the first reading, the meaning of this 13th Amendment (also called the “title of nobility” Amendment) seems obscure, unimportant. The references to “nobility”, “honour”, “emperor”, “king”, and “prince” lead us to dismiss this amendment as a petty post-revolution act of spite directed against the British monarchy. But in our modern world of Lady Di and Prince Charles, anti-royalist sentiments seem so archaic and quaint, that the Amendment can be ignored.

Not so.

Consider some evidence of its historical significance: First, “titles of nobility” were prohibited in both Article VI of the Articles of Confederation (1777) and in Article I, Sect. 9 of the Constitution of the United States (1778); Second, although already prohibited by the Constitution, an additional “title of nobility” amendment was proposed in 1789, again in 1810, and according to Dodge, finally ratified in 1819. Clearly, the founding fathers saw such a serious threat in “titles of nobility” and “honors” that anyone receiving them would forfeit their citizenship. Since the government prohibited “titles of nobility” several times over four decades, and went through the amending process (even though “titles of nobility” were already prohibited by the Constitution), it’s obvious that the Amendment carried much more significance for our founding fathers than is readily apparent today.


To understand the meaning of this “missing” 13th Amendment, we must understand its historical context — the era surrounding the American Revolution.

We tend to regard the notion of “Democracy” as benign, harmless, and politically unremarkable. But at the time of the American Revolution, King George III and the other monarchies of Europe saw Democracy as an unnatural, ungodly ideological threat, every bit as dangerously radical as Communism was once regarded by modern Western nations. Just as the 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia spawned other revolutions around the world, the American Revolution provided an example and incentive for people all over the world to overthrow their European monarchies.

Even though the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War in 1783, the simple fact of our existence threatened the monarchies. The United States stood as a heroic role model for other nations, that inspired them to also struggle against oppressive monarchies. The French Revolution (1789-1799) and the Polish national uprising (1794) were in part encouraged by the American Revolution. Though we stood like a beacon of hope for most of the world, the monarchies regarded the United States as a political typhoid Mary, the principle source of radical democracy that was destroying monarchies around the world. The monarchies must have realized that if the principle source of that infection could be destroyed, the rest of the world might avoid the contagion and the monarchies would be saved.

Their survival at stake, the monarchies south to destroy or subvert the American system of government. Knowing they couldn’t destroy us militarily, they resorted to more covert methods of political subversion, employing spies and secret agents skilled in bribery and legal deception — it was, perhaps, the first “cold war”. Since governments run on money, politicians run for money, and money is the usual enticement to commit treason, much of the monarchy’s counter-revolutionary efforts emanated from English banks. DON’T BANK ON IT

(Modern Banking System)

The essence of banking was once explained by Sir Josiah Stamp, a former president of the Bank of England:

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin… Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again… Take this great power away form them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in… But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.” The last great abuse of our banking system caused the depression of the 1930’s. Today’s abuses may cause another. Current S&L and bank scandals illustrate the on-going relationships between banks, lawyers, politicians, and government agencies (look at the current BCCI bank scandal, involving lawyer Clark Clifford, politician Jimmy Carter, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and even the CIA). These scandals are the direct result of years of law-breaking by an alliance of bankers and lawyers using their influence and money to corrupt the political process and rob the public. (Think you’re not being robbed? Guess who’s going to pay the bill for the excesses of the S&L’s, taxpayer? You are.)

The systematic robbery of productive individuals by parasitic bankers and lawyers is not a recent phenomenon. This abuse is a human tradition that predates the Bible and spread from Europe to America despite early colonial prohibitions.

When the first United States Bank was chartered by Congress in 1790, there were only three state banks in existence. At one time, banks were prohibited by law in most states because many of the early settlers were all too familiar with the practices of the European goldsmith banks.

Goldsmith banks were safe-houses used to store client’s gold. In exchange for the deposited gold, customers were issued notes (paper money) which were redeemable in gold. The goldsmith bankers quickly succumbed to the temptation to issue “extra” notes, (unbacked by gold). Why? Because the “extra” notes enriched the bankers by allowing them to buy property with notes for gold that they did not own, gold that did not even exist.

Colonists knew that bankers occasionally printed too much paper money, found themselves over-leveraged, and caused a “run on the bank”. If the bankers lacked sufficient gold to meet the demand, the paper money became worthless and common citizens left holding the paper were ruined. Although over-leveraged bankers were sometime hung, the bankers continued printing extra money to increase their fortunes at the expense of the productive members of society. (The practice continues to this day, and offers “sweetheart” loans to bank insiders, and even provides the foundation for deficit spending and our federal government’s unbridled growth.)


If the colonists forgot the lessons of goldsmith bankers, the American Revolution refreshed their memories. To finance the war, Congress authorized the printing of continental bills of credit in an amount not to exceed $200,000,000. The States issued another $200,000,000 in paper notes. Ultimately, the value of the paper money fell so low that they were soon traded on speculation from 5000 to 1000 paper bills for one coin.

It’s often suggested that our Constitution’s prohibition against a paper economy — “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a tender in Payment of Debts” — was a tool of the wealthy to be worked to the disadvantage of all others. But only in a “paper” economy can money reproduce itself and increase the claims of the wealthy at the expense of the productive.

“Paper money,” said Pelatiah Webster, “polluted the equity of our laws, turned them into engines of oppression, corrupted the justice of our public administration, destroyed the fortunes of thousands who had confidence in it, enervated the trade, husbandry, and manufactures of our country, and went far to destroy the morality of our people.”


A few examples of the attempts by the monarchies and banks that almost succeeded in destroying the United States:

According to the Tennessee Laws (1715-1320, vol. II, p. 774), in the 1794 Jay Treaty, the United States agreed to pay 600,000 pounds sterling to King George III, as reparations for the American revolution. The Senate ratified the treaty in secret session and ordered that it not be published. When Benjamin Franklin’s grandson published it anyway, the exposure and resulting public up-roar so angered the Congress that it passed the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) so federal judges could prosecute editors and publishers for reporting the truth about the government.

Since we had won the Revolutionary War, why would our Senators agree to pay reparations to the loser? And why would they agree to pay 600,000 pounds sterling, eleven years after the war ended? It doesn’t make sense, especially in light of Senate’s secrecy and later fury over being exposed, unless we assume our Senators had been bribed to serve the British monarchy and betray the American people. That’s subversion.

The United States Bank had been opposed by the Jeffersonians from the beginning, but the Federalists (the pro-monarchy party) won out in its establishment. The initial capitalization was $10,000,000 — 80% of which would be owned by foreign bankers. Since the bank was authorized to lend up to $20,000,000 (double its paid in capital), it was a profitable deal for both the government and the bankers since they could lend, and collect interest on, $10,000,000 that didn’t exist.

However, the European bankers outfoxed the government and by 1796, the government owed the bank $6,200,000 and was forced to sell its shares. (By 1802, our government owned no stock in the United States Bank.)

The sheer power of the banks and their ability to influence representative government by economic manipulation and outright bribery was exposed in 1811, when the people discovered that european banking interests owned 80% of the bank. Congress therefore refused to renew the bank’s charter. This led to the withdrawal of $7,000,000 in specie by european investors, which in turn, precipitated an economic recession, and the War of 1812.

That’s destruction.

There are undoubtedly other examples of the monarchy’s efforts to subvert or destroy the United States; some are common knowledge, others remain to be disclosed to the public. For example, David Dodge discovered a book called “2 VA LAW” in the Library of Congress Law Library. According to Dodge, “This is an un-catalogued book in the rare book section that reveals a plan to overthrow the constitutional government by secret agreements engineered by the lawyers. That is one of the reasons why this amendment was ratified by Virginia and the notification ~lost in the mail.’ There is no public record that this book exists.”

That may sound surprising, but according to The Gazette (5/10/91), “the Library of Congress has 349,402 un-catalogued rare books and 13.9 million un-catalogued rare manuscripts.” There may be secrets buried in that mass of documents even more astonishing than a missing Constitutional Amendment.


In seeking to rule the world and destroy the United States, bankers committed many crimes. Foremost among these crimes were fraud, conversion, and plain old theft. To escape prosecution for their crimes, the bankers did the same thing any career criminal does. They hired and formed alliances with the best lawyers and judges money could buy. These alliances, originally forged in Europe (particularly in Great Britain), spread to the colonies, and later into the newly formed United States of America.

Despite their criminal foundation, these alliances generated wealth, and ultimately, respectability. Like any modern member of organized crime, English bankers and lawyers wanted to be admired as “legitimate businessmen”. As their criminal fortunes grew so did their usefulness, so the British monarchy legitimized these thieves by granting them “titles of nobility”.

Historically, the British peerage system referred to knights as “Squires” and to those who bore the knight’s shields as “Esquires”. As lances, shields, and physical violence gave way to the more civilized means of theft, the pen grew mightier (and more profitable) than the sword, and the clever wielders of those pens (bankers and lawyers) came to hold titles of nobility. The most common title was “Esquire” (used, even today, by some lawyers).


In Colonial America, attorneys trained attorneys but most held no “title of nobility” or “honor”. There was no requirement that one be a lawyer to hold the position of district attorney, attorney general, or judge; a citizen’s “counsel of choice” was not restricted to a lawyer; there were no state or national bar associations. The only organization that certified lawyers was the International Bar Association (IBA), chartered by the King of England, headquartered in London, and closely associated with the international banking system. Lawyers admitted to the IBA received the rank “Esquire” — a “title of nobility”.

“Esquire” was the principle title of nobility which the 13th Amendment sought to prohibit from the United States. Why? Because the loyalty of “Esquire” lawyers was suspect. Bankers and lawyers with an “Esquire” behind their names were agents of the monarchy, members of an organization whose principle purposes were political, not economic, and regarded with the same wariness that some people today reserve for members of the KGB or the CIA.

Article 1, Sect. 9 of the Constitution sought to prohibit the International Bar Association (or any other agency that granted titles of nobility) from operating in America. But the Constitution neglected to specify a penalty, so the prohibition was ignored, and agents of the monarchy continued to infiltrate and influence the government (as in the Jay Treaty and the US Bank charter incidents). Therefore, a “title of nobility” amendment that specified a penalty (loss of citizenship) was proposed in 1789, and again in 1810. The meaning of the amendment is seen in its intent to prohibit persons having titles of nobility and loyalties foreign governments and bankers from voting, holding public office, or using their skills to subvert the government.


The missing Amendment is referred to as the “title of nobility” Amendment, but the second prohibition against “honour” (honor), may be more significant.

According to David Dodge, Tom Dunn, and Webster’s Dictionary, the archaic definition of “honor” (as used when the 13th Amendment was ratified) meant anyone “obtaining or having an advantage or privilege over another”. A contemporary example of an “honor” granted to only a few Americans is the privilege of being a judge: Lawyers can be judges and exercise the attendant privileges and powers; non-lawyers cannot.

By prohibiting “honors”, the missing Amendment prohibits any advantage or privilege that would grant some citizens an unequal opportunity to achieve or exercise political power. Therefore, the second meaning (intent) of the 13th Amendment was to ensure political equality among all American citizens, by prohibiting anyone, even government officials, from claiming or exercising a special privilege or power (an “honor”) over other citizens.

If this interpretation is correct, “honor” would be the key concept in the 13th Amendment. Why? Because, while “titles of nobility” may no longer apply in today’s political system, the concept of “honor” remains relevant.

For example, anyone who had a specific “immunity” from lawsuits which were not afforded to all citizens, would be enjoying a separate privilege, an “honor”, and would therefore forfeit his right to vote or hold public office. Think of the “immunities” from lawsuits that our judges, lawyers, politicians, and bureaucrats currently enjoy.

As another example, think of all the “special interest” legislation our government passes: “special interests” are simply euphemisms for “special privileges” (honors).


(Implications if Restored)

If the missing 13th Amendment were restored, “special interests” and “immunities” might be rendered unconstitutional. The prohibition against “honors” (privileges) would compel the entire government to operate under the same laws as the citizens of this nation. Without their current personal immunities (honors), our judges and I.R.S. agents would be unable to abuse common citizens without fear of legal liability. If this 13th Amendment were restored, our entire government would have to conduct itself according to the same standards of decency, respect, law, and liability as the rest of the nation. If this Amendment and the term “honor” were applied today, our government’s ability to systematically coerce and abuse the public would be all but eliminated.


A government without special privileges or immunities. How could we describe it? It would be … almost like … a government … of the people … by the people … for the people!

Imagine: a government … whose members were truly accountable to the public; a government that could not systematically exploit its own people!

It’s unheard of … it’s never been done before. Not ever in the entire history of the world.

Bear in mind that Senator George Mitchell of Maine and the National Archives concede this 13th Amendment was proposed by Congress in 1810. However, they explain that there were seventeen states when Congress proposed the “title of nobility” Amendment; that ratification required the support of thirteen states, but since only twelve states supported the Amendment, it was not ratified. The Government Printing Office agrees; it currently prints copies of the Constitution of the United States which include the “title of nobility” Amendment as proposed, but un-ratified.

Even if this 13th Amendment were never ratified, even if Dodge and Dunn’s research or reasoning is flawed or incomplete, it would still be an extraordinary story.

Can you imagine, can you understand how close we came to having a political paradise, right here on Earth? Do you realize what an extraordinary gift our forebears tried to bequeath us? And how close we came?

One vote. One state’s vote.

The federal government concedes that twelve states voted to ratify this Amendment between 1810 and 1812. But they argue that ratification require thirteen states, so the Amendment lays stillborn in history, unratified for lack of a just one more state’s support.

One vote.

David Dodge, however, says one more state did ratify, and he claims he has the evidence to prove it.


In 1789, the House of Representatives compiled a list of possible Constitutional Amendments, some of which would ultimately become our Bill of Rights. The House proposed seventeen; the Senate reduced the list to twelve. During this process that Senator Tristrain Dalton (Mass.) proposed an Amendment seeking to prohibit and provide a penalty for any American accepting a “title of Nobility” (RG 46 Records of the U.S. Senate). Although it wasn’t passed, this was the first time a “title of nobility” amendment was proposed.

Twenty years later, in January, 1810, Senator Reed proposed another “Title of Nobility” Amendment (History of Congress, Proceedings of the Senate, p. 529-530). On April 27, 1810, the Senate voted to pass this 13th Amendment by a vote of 26 to 1; the House resolved in the affirmative 87 to 3; and the following resolve was sent to the States for ratification:

“If any citizen of the United States shall Accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

The Constitution requires three-quarters of the states to ratify a proposed amendment before it may be added to the Constitution. When Congress proposed the “Title of Nobility” Amendment in 1810, there were seventeen states, thirteen of which would have to ratify for the Amendment to be adopted. According to the National Archives, the following is a list of the twelve states that ratified, and their dates of ratification:

   Maryland,         Dec. 25, 1810
   Kentucky,         Jan. 31, 1811
   Ohio,             Jan. 31, 1811
   Delaware,         Feb.  2, 1811
   Pennsylvania,     Feb.  6, 1811
   New Jersey,       Feb. 13, 1811
   Vermont,          Oct. 24, 1811
   Tennessee,        Nov. 21, 1811
   Georgia,          Dec. 13, 1811
   North Carolina,   Dec. 23, 1811
   Massachusetts,    Feb. 27, 1812
   New Hampshire,    Dec. 10, 1812

Before a thirteenth state could ratify, the War of 1812 broke out with England. By the time the war ended in 1814, the British had burned the Capitol, the Library of Congress, and most of the records of the first 38 years of government. Whether there was a connection between the proposed “title of nobility” amendment and the War of 1812 is not known. However, the momentum to ratify the proposed Amendment was lost in the tumult of war.

Then, four years later, on December 31, 1817, the House of Representatives resolved that President Monroe inquire into the status of this Amendment. In a letter dated February 6, 1818, President Monroe reported to the House that the Secretary of State Adams had written to the governors of Virginia, South Carolina and Connecticut to tell them that the proposed Amendment had been ratified by twelve States and rejected by two (New York and Rhode Island), and asked the governors to notify him of their legislature’s position. (House Document No. 76)

(This, and other letters written by the President and the Secretary of State during the month of February, 1818, note only that the proposed Amendment had not yet been ratified. However, these letters would later become crucial because, in the absence of additional information they would be interpreted to mean the amendment was never ratified).

On February 28, 1818, Secretary of State Adams reported the rejection of the Amendment by South Carolina. [House Doc. No. 129]. There are no further entries regarding the ratification of the 13th Amendment in the Journals of Congress; whether Virginia ratified is neither confirmed nor denied. Likewise, a search through the executive papers of Governor Preston of Virginia does not reveal any correspondence from Secretary of State Adams. (However, there is a journal entry in the Virginia House that the Governor presented the House with an official letter and documents from Washington within a time frame that conceivably includes receipt of Adams’ letter.) Again, no evidence of ratification; none of denial.

However, on March 10, 1819, the Virginia legislature passed Act No. 280 (Virginia Archives of Richmond, “misc.’ file, p. 299 for micro-film): “Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that there shall be published an edition of the Laws of this Commonwealth in which shall be contained the following matters, that is to say: the Constitution of the united States and the amendments thereto…” This act was the specific legislated instructions on what was, by law, to be included in the re-publication (a special edition) of the Virginia Civil Code. The Virginia Legislature had already agreed that all Acts were to go into effect on the same day — the day that the Act to re-publish the Civil Code was enacted. Therefore, the 13th Amendment’s official date of ratification would be the date of re-publication of the Virginia Civil Code: March 12, 1819.


The Delegates knew Virginia was the last of the 13 States that were necessary for the ratification of the 13th Amendment. They also knew there were powerful forces allied against this ratification so they took extraordinary measures to make sure that it was published in sufficient quantity (4,000 copies were ordered, almost triple their usual order), and instructed the printer to send a copy to President James Monroe as well as James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. (The printer, Thomas Ritchie, was bonded. He was required to be extremely accurate in his research and his printing, or he would forfeit his bond.)

In this fashion, Virginia announced the ratification: by publication and dissemination of the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution.

There is question as to whether Virginia ever formally notified the Secretary of State that they had ratified this 13th Amendment. Some have argued that because such notification was not received (or at least, not recorded), the Amendment was therefore not legally ratified. However, printing by a legislature is prima facie evidence of ratification.

Further, there is no Constitutional requirement that the Secretary of State, or anyone else, be officially notified to complete the ratification process. The Constitution only requires that threefourths of the states ratify for an Amendment to be added to the Constitution. If three-quarters of the states ratify, the Amendment is passed. Period. The Constitution is otherwise silent on what procedure should be used to announce, confirm, or communicate the ratification of amendments.

Knowing they were the last state necessary to ratify the Amendment, the Virginians had every right announce their own and the nation’s ratification of the Amendment by publishing it on a special edition of the Constitution, and so they did.

Word of Virginia’s 1819 ratification spread throughout the States and both Rhode Island and Kentucky published the new Amendment in 1822. Ohio first published in 1824. Main ordered 10,000 copies of the Constitution with the 13th Amendment to be printed for use in the schools in 1825, and again in 1831 for their Census Edition. Indiana Revised Laws of 1831 published the 13th Article on p. 20. Northwestern Territories published in 1833. Ohio published in 1831 and 1833. Then came the Wisconsin Territory in 1839; Iowa Territory in 1843; Ohio again, in 1848; Kansas Statutes in 1855; and Nebraska Territory six times in a row from 1855 to 1860.

So far, David Dodge has identified eleven different states or territories that printed the Amendment in twenty separate publications over forty-one years. And more editions including this 13th Amendment are sure to be discovered. Clearly, Dodge is onto something.

You might be able to convince some of the people, or maybe even all of them, for a little while, that this 13th Amendment was never ratified. Maybe you can show them that the ten legislatures which ordered it published eighteen times we’ve discovered (so far) consisted of ignorant politicians who don’t know their amendments from their … ahh, articles. You might even be able to convince the public that our forefathers never meant to “outlaw” public servants who pushed people around, accepted bribes or special favors to “look the other way.” Maybe. But before you do, there’s an awful lot of evidence to be explained.


In 1829, the following note appears on p. 23, Vol. 1 of the New York Revised Statutes:

“In the edition of the Laws of the U.S. before referred to, there is an amendment printed as article 13, prohibiting citizens from accepting titles of nobility or honor, or presents, offices, &c. from foreign nations. But, by a message of the president of the United States of the 4th of February, 1818, in answer to a resolution of the house of representatives, it appears that this amendment had been ratified only by 12 states, and therefore had not been adopted. See Vol. IV of the printed papers of the 1st session of the 15th congress, No. 76.” In 1854, a similar note appeared in the Oregon Statutes. Both notes refer to the Laws of the United States, 1st vol. p. 73 (or 74).

It’s not yet clear whether the 13th Amendment was published in Laws of the United States, 1st Vol., prematurely, by accident, in anticipation of Virginia’s ratification, or as part of a plot to discredit the Amendment by making is appear that only twelve States had ratified. Whether the Laws of the United States Vol. 1 (carrying the 13th Amendment) was re-called or made-up is unknown. In fact, it’s not even clear that the specified volume was actually printed — the Law Library of the Library of Congress has no record of its existence.

However, because the notes authors reported no further references to the 13th Amendment after the Presidential letter of February, 1818, they apparently assumed the ratification process had ended in failure at that time. If so, they neglected to seek information on the Amendment after 1818, or at the state level, and therefore missed the evidence of Virginia’s ratification. This opinion — assuming that the Presidential letter of February, 1818, was the last word on the Amendment — has persisted to this day.

In 1849, Virginia decided to revise the 1819 Civil Code of Virginia (which had contained the 13th Amendment for 30 years). It was at that time that one of the code’s revisers (a lawyer named Patton) wrote to the Secretary of the Navy, William B. Preston, asking if this Amendment had been ratified or appeared by mistake. Preston wrote to J. M. Clayton, the Secretary of State, who replied that this Amendment was not ratified by a sufficient number of States. This conclusion was based upon the information that Secretary of State J.Q. Adams had provided the House of Representatives in 1818, before Virginia’s ratification in 1819. (Even today, the Congressional Research Service tells anyone asking about this 13th Amendment this same story: that only twelve states, not the requisite thirteen, had ratified.) However, despite Clayton’s opinion, the Amendment continued to be published in various states and territories for at least another eleven years (the last known publication was in the Nebraska territory in 1860).

Once again the 13th Amendment was caught in the riptides of American politics. South Carolina seceded from the Union in December of 1860, signalling the onset of the Civil War. In March, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated.

Later in 1861, another proposed amendment, also numbered thirteen, was signed by President Lincoln. This was the only proposed amendment that was ever signed by a president. That resolve to amend read: “ARTICLE THIRTEEN, No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.” (In other words, President Lincoln had signed a resolve that would have permitted slavery, and upheld states’ rights.) Only one State, Illinois, ratified this proposed amendment before the Civil War broke out in 1861.

In the tumult of 1865, the original 13th Amendment was finally removed from our Constitution. On January 31, another 13th Amendment (which prohibited slavery in Sect. 1, and ended states’ rights in Sect. 2) was proposed. On April 9, the Civil War ended with General Lee’s surrender. On April 14, President Lincoln (who, in 1861, had signed the proposed Amendment that would have allowed slavery and states rights) was assassinated. On December 6, the “new” 13th Amendment loudly prohibiting slavery (and quietly surrendering states rights to the federal government) was ratified, replacing and effectively erasing the original 13th Amendment that had prohibited “titles of nobility” and “honors”.


To create the present oligarchy (rule by lawyers) which we now endure, the lawyers first had to remove the 13th “titles of nobility” Amendment that might otherwise have kept them in check. In fact, it was not until after the Civil War and after the disappearance of this 13th Amendment, that American bar associations began to appear and exercise political power.

Since the unlawful deletion of the 13th Amendment, the newly developing bar associations began working diligently to create a system wherein lawyers took on a title of privilege and nobility as “Esquires” and received the “honor” of offices and positions (like district attorney or judge) that only lawyers may now hold. By virtue of these titles, honors, and special privileges, lawyers have assumed political and economic advantages over the majority of U.S. citizens. Through these privileges, they have nearly established a two-tiered citizenship in this nation where a majority may vote, but only a minority (lawyers) may run for political office. This twotiered citizenship is clearly contrary to Americans’ political interests, the nation’s economic welfare, and the Constitution’s egalitarian spirit.

The significance of this missing 13th Amendment and its deletion from the Constitution is this: Since the amendment was never lawfully nullified, it is still in full force and effect and is the Law of the land. If public support could be awakened, this missing Amendment might provide a legal basis to challenge many existing laws and court decisions previously made by lawyers who were unconstitutionally elected or appointed to their positions of power; it might even mean the removal of lawyers from our current government system.


Each of Sen. Mitchell’s and Mr. Hartgrove’s arguments against ratification have been overcome or badly weakened. Still, some of the evidence supporting ratification is inferential; some of the conclusions are only implied. But it’s no wonder that there’s such an austere sprinkling of hard evidence surrounding this 13th Amendment: According to The Gazette (5/10/91), the Library of Congress has 349,402 un-catalogued rare books and 13.9 million un-catalogued rare manuscripts. The evidence of ratification seems tantalizingly close but remains buried in those masses of un-catalogued documents, waiting to be found. It will take some luck and some volunteers to uncover the final proof.

We have an Amendment that looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. But because we have been unable to find the eggshell from which it hatched in 1819, Sen. Mitchell and Mr. Hartgrove insist we can’t … quite … absolutely prove it’s a duck, and therefore, the government is under no obligation to concede it’s a duck.

Maybe so.

But if we can’t prove it’s a duck, they can’t prove it’s not. If the proof of ratification is not quite conclusive, the evidence against ratification is almost nonexistent, largely a function of the government’s refusal to acknowledge the proof.

We are left in the peculiar position of boys facing bullies in the schoolyard. We show them proof that they should again include the “missing” 13th Amendment on the Constitution; they sneer and jeer and taunt us with cries of “make us”.

Perhaps we shall.

The debate goes on. The mystery continues to unfold. The answer lies buried in the archives.

If you are close to a state archive or large library anywhere in the USA, please search for editions of the U.S. Constitution printed between 1819 and 1870. If you find more evidence of the “missing” 13th Amendment please contact David Dodge, POB 985, Taos, New Mexico, 87571.

1) It’s worth noting that Rick Donaldson, another researcher, uncovered certified copies of the 1865 and 1867 editions of the Colorado Civil Codes which also contain the missing Amendment. Although these editions were stored in the Colorado state archive, their existence was previously un-catalogued and unknown to the Colorado archivists.

2) If there’s insufficient evidence that Virginia did ratify in 1819 (there is no evidence that Virginia did not), this raises a fantastic possibility. Since there was no time limit specified when the Amendment was proposed, and since the government clearly believed only Virginia’s vote remained to be counted in the ratification issue, the current state legislature of Virginia could theoretically vote to ratify the Amendment, send the necessary certificates to Washington, and thereby add the Amendment to the Constitution.

Article XIII

A few months back there was quite a lot of traffic concerning the “lost” 13th amendment. It has recently been mentioned again, so this may be a good time to bring this up. I was able to contact the researchers, David Dodge, Tom Dunn and Brian March and get a copy of the latest report on this topic. Many of you are very familiar with this story, but there is relatively new information concerning the records that exist which substantiate the validity of the claim that the “Titles of Nobility” was actually ratified. It is necessary to go through the report carefully, but it seems certain from the documents that have been found at the National Archives and elsewhere that TON was legally ratified. For those who are new to this I will re-hash the old news and weave in the new as I go along.

In 1983, two independent researchers, David Dodge and Tom Dunn, while looking for evidence of political corruption in a library in Belfast Maine, stumbled across an 1825 copy of the Maine Civil Code. In this document, as I believe is customary, the Constitution of the U.S. was printed. They noticed that Article Thirteen of the amendments was not the same Article Thirteen which is now enumerated in the Constitution. This Article Thirteen, which is known as the “Titles of Nobility” amendment, (TON) reads as follows:

Article XIII

If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.

The post went on to say that the researchers had carried on a written communication with Sen. George Mitchell (D. Maine) and as I recall, someone named Hargrave from the National Archives in Washington DC. It appears that the original position of Mitchell and Hargrave was that this was simply a printing error and that it had been immediately corrected upon discovery. This does not appear to be the case. Dodge and Dunn went on to find, at last count, 24 different state legislatures which printed this amendment as Article Thirteen, in 77 separate editions of their respective Civil Codes. This occurred over a period from 1818 until 1876. It has also been found in school text books and other publications from that period. At first I was very skeptical, but now I have seen 2nd generation photo copies of all of these documents. Almost every document carries a stamp from the library where it was found. In some cases where the document was hand written I have only seen a typed version, but after speaking with the researchers at length, I am sure that these typed reproductions are faithful. In total, they present compelling evidence that the original Article Thirteen was wrongfully removed from the Constitution.

Gradually the position of Senator Mitchell and others at the National Archive changed. (Paraphrased from the letters between Dodge and Mitchell). One such position was that the article in question had been proposed in the 11th congress, 2nd session in 1810 and subsequently ratified by only 12 states before the close of 1812. As there were 17 states at the time that the Amendment was proposed it required that 13 states ratify, and this did not happen. Dodge and Dunn continued their research. They found a circular letter, dated 7, Jan. 1818, commissioned by the House of Representatives for President James Monroe and written by then Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams. It was sent to only 3 states, of the original 17, that had not yet responded, as to their disposition on the proposed Thirteenth Article. Virginia was one of those states. Dodge and Dunn now went to the Library of Congress and were allowed access to the rare book room. There they found an un-cataloged book entitled “The Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia”, 1819. The amendment was there, listed as the Thirteenth Article of the U.S. Constitution. This, of course, indicated that a 13th state had indeed ratified the amendment, constituting a 3/4 majority of the states of the Union at the time the amendment was proposed… and now, the Senator’s position changes once again. They responded to Dodge by saying that since there were 21 states by the time that Virginia ratified in 1818 or 1819, 13 was no longer enough to bring the amendment into law. They contended that It would have then required 16 votes to ratify, not 13.

This appears to be the current position of Senator Mitchell and the National Archives, although the Archives legal department has not yet formally responded to the question. The Constitution is **silent** on what is to be done concerning the addition of new states during the ratification process. Furthermore, the four new states (Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi and Illinois) who, Senator Mitchell and the archivists, claim should have been considered in this process, all, **without exception**, carried the “Titles of Nobility” amendment on their U.S. Constitutions for at least several years after 1818 or 1819. It would appear that those state’s own legislatures considered this to be the law of the land.

There are some documents which have been uncovered that are not included in the current edition of the report. Brian March did a thorough search of the archives in the four states that were added during the ratification process. No evidence was found to indicate that the Secretary of State polled them as too their response on the amendment. !!!THEY WERE NOT CONSIDERED!!! and as I said earlier, all four states have been shown to have published the TON amendment. The letters from those state archives are among the documents not included in the report. I have seen copies of all the documents. These guys have done some tremendous research and documented everything very well.

Another “report to the President” of Feb 3, 1818, a time when the four states had already been admitted, also lists specifically the states that were involved in the ratification and !!!AGAIN, THE NEW STATES ARE NOT CONSIDERED!!! Again, this report was not available when they went to press. If you ask Brian to include some of the new material I feel certain that he will.


To summarize:
The current position of those in the government is that there may have been a 13th state (Virginia) ratify the amendment. However, at the time that such ratification took place, new states had entered the union. The required 3/4 majority was not met as determined by the addition of the new states.

Dodge, Dunn and March contend and provide documentation that supports the claim that at that time the new states were not considered in the process of ratification.

The circular letter of Jan. 7, 1818

The report to the president of feb. 3 1818

Published civil codes of the four new states which clearly show that those states considered the amendment law even though they had not been asked to vote on it.

Consider the fact that the Constitution is silent on the matter of new states entering the Union during the ratification process.

Consider the fact that the Constitution is silent on the matter of time limits on the ratification process itself. Today, time limits on an amendments ratification must be stipulated at the time of the acceptance of the proposal. This was not done in the case of TON, so there was/is no time limit in effect.

I know of no legal way for an amendment to be removed from the Constitution other than congressional repeal, which requires the passage of a contrary amendment. Does anyone know of another way with precedent?

Cognitive Dissonance

The term cognitive dissonance describes a mental condition in which newly acquired information which opposes one’s belief system, or holding contradictory beliefs leads to psychological discomfort. The level and type of psychological discomfort varies by individual, and manifestations and reactions to cognitive dissonance can range from mild depression to irrational neuroses and nervous tics, to severe psychosis.

The psychological discomfort occurs as a result of acknowledging that changes in one’s thinking, lifestyle, habits, or associations may have to occur in order to reconcile their beliefs and the newly acquired information. In order to avoid the discomfort associated with cognitive dissonance, some kind of reconciliation of one’s belief system must occur.

There are generally two ways to reconcile a belief system:

The first is to change – to incorporate the new information into the one’s beliefs, and make the necessary life adjustments in order to live in accordance with them. This is arguably the more difficult path, as people tend to resist change, especially if they are accustomed to habits, schedules, and repetition. If the newly assimilated information makes the clear the necessity for major life changes – a career change, change in diet, a change of social associations – then the journey could be difficult indeed, but could also lead to positive results for the individual.

Another alternative is to remain static – to reject the new information out of hand, even if credible, in total defense of the belief. Should the new information continue to present itself, one may be compelled to attack the information or its source in order to protect the belief and legitimize the worldview on which it is based. The problem with this all too common reaction is that once the information is known, it cannot be unknown – the cognitive dissonance persists, and with it the psychological discomfort and its effects.

The importance of understanding cognitive dissonance and its impact on the psyche lies only partially in recognizing its detrimental effects or potential benefit for the individual. Consideration must also be given to the factors which are the ultimate cause of cognitive dissonance – beliefs and information.

The way in which one consumes and digests new information, as well as how firmly beliefs are held are the factors which lead to cognitive dissonance, but they are variable. Though beliefs can be modified to suit one’s preference, they are usually static, and raw information is usually presented as concretely black and white.

When presented with new information, one must make a value consideration based on that information. How will this new information affect my life? If I accept this new information, what impact will it have on my job, my family, my income, my future? Consideration must also be given to the veracity of the information, and whether it is fact based, or subjective.

As a simple example, what if I walked up to you and told you that your favorite band sucks? You would have to consider the information, determine whether it was based in fact or opinion, decide what impact this new information has on your life, and then choose how or whether to react.

As most people’s favorite band falls into the category of firmly held belief, the normal response is to skip the consideration process entirely and react with immediate contempt for the information which challenges the worldview. One might contest that this example is a poor one, that challenging the awesomeness of one’s favorite band is a purely subjective and opinionated move, and makes no point to the idea that real information can affect one’s psychological disposition.

I challenge you to try it. Go out and call into question people’s worldview by telling them that their favorite band sucks and consider the reactions you get. Then consider that they haven’t considered that you don’t even know who their favorite band is! The reactions outline the importance of how we process (or don’t process) new information. It is easy to rationalize the scenario and understand that unknowingly insulting Twisted Sister has no net effect on anyone’s life, but reconcile that with the negative reactions encountered when challenging one’s trivial, yet cherished beliefs. If one stopped to truly consider the nature of the information, “Your favorite band sucks,” it could just be passed off as words without relevance or context and ignored, but most often that is not the case.

Similar scenarios play out in life on a daily basis, and proves that the thought process can, to some extent, be bypassed by manipulating the emotions associated with belief. This concept, actively employed on a massive scale with malicious intent, can, and I believe is, being used to direct the masses to a common destination of thought.

There is a great caveat in this purely human, reactionary compulsion to defend firmly held belief. It can now be understood as a means to circumvent the thought process – to deliberately cause a prescribed reaction, even if the information on which the reaction is based is subjective, or even patently untrue. The nature of the information is irrelevant when it will never be thoroughly considered.

Information is power, and with the control and timing of information, one can control how, or even whether people think. The tracks upon which the trains of thought ride are made only from the material available – the content provided by those who own the information. The general direction of the tracks, and the destinations (or conclusions to be made) along the way can also be determined by he who controls the information, but only to the extent that one is intimately connected to the information by their beliefs.

Someone once said, “Believe only half of what you see, and none of what you hear.” Good advice for anyone living in this modern era.

Cognitive Dissonance

The term cognitive dissonance describes a mental condition in which newly acquired information which opposes one’s belief system, or holding contradictory beliefs leads to psychological discomfort. The level and type of psychological discomfort varies by individual, and manifestations and reactions to cognitive dissonance can range from mild depression to irrational neuroses and nervous tics, to severe psychosis.cognitivedissonance

The psychological discomfort occurs as a result of acknowledging that changes in one’s thinking, lifestyle, habits, or associations may have to occur in order to reconcile their beliefs and the newly acquired information. In order to avoid the discomfort associated with cognitive dissonance, some kind of reconciliation of one’s belief system must occur.

There are generally two ways to reconcile a belief system:

The first is to change – to incorporate the new information into the one’s beliefs, and make the necessary life adjustments in order to live in accordance with them. This is arguably the more difficult path, as people tend to resist change, especially if they are accustomed to habits, schedules, and repetition. If the newly assimilated information makes the clear the necessity for major life changes – a career change, change in diet, a change of social associations – then the journey could be difficult indeed, but could also lead to positive results for the individual.

Another alternative is to remain static – to reject the new information out of hand, even if credible, in total defense of the belief. Should the new information continue to present itself, one may be compelled to attack the information or its source in order to protect the belief and legitimize the worldview on which it is based. The problem with this all too common reaction is that once the information is known, it cannot be unknown – the cognitive dissonance persists, and with it the psychological discomfort and its effects.

The importance of understanding cognitive dissonance and its impact on the psyche lies only partially in recognizing its detrimental effects or potential benefit for the individual. Consideration must also be given to the factors which are the ultimate cause of cognitive dissonance – beliefs and information.

The way in which one consumes and digests new information, as well as how firmly beliefs are held are the factors which lead to cognitive dissonance, but they are variable. Though beliefs can be modified to suit one’s preference, they are usually static, and raw information is usually presented as concretely black and white.

When presented with new information, one must make a value consideration based on that information. How will this new information affect my life? If I accept this new information, what impact will it have on my job, my family, my income, my future? Consideration must also be given to the veracity of the information, and whether it is fact based, or subjective.

As a simple example, what if I walked up to you and told you that your favorite band sucks? You would have to consider the information, determine whether it was based in fact or opinion, decide what impact this new information has on your life, and then choose how or whether to react.

As most people’s favorite band falls into the category of firmly held belief, the normal response is to skip the consideration process entirely and react with immediate contempt for the information which challenges the worldview. One might contest that this example is a poor one, that challenging the awesomeness of one’s favorite band is a purely subjective and opinionated move, and makes no point to the idea that real information can affect one’s psychological disposition.

I challenge you to try it. Go out and call into question people’s worldview by telling them that their favorite band sucks and consider the reactions you get. Then consider that they haven’t considered that you don’t even know who their favorite band is! The reactions outline the importance of how we process (or don’t process) new information. It is easy to rationalize the scenario and understand that unknowingly insulting Twisted Sister has no net effect on anyone’s life, but reconcile that with the negative reactions encountered when challenging one’s trivial, yet cherished beliefs. If one stopped to truly consider the nature of the information, “Your favorite band sucks,” it could just be passed off as words without relevance or context and ignored, but most often that is not the case.

Similar scenarios play out in life on a daily basis, and proves that the thought process can, to some extent, be bypassed by manipulating the emotions associated with belief. This concept, actively employed on a massive scale with malicious intent, can, and I believe is, being used to direct the masses to a common destination of thought.

There is a great caveat in this purely human, reactionary compulsion to defend firmly held belief. It can now be understood as a means to circumvent the thought process – to deliberately cause a prescribed reaction, even if the information on which the reaction is based is subjective, or even patently untrue. The nature of the information is irrelevant when it will never be thoroughly considered.

Information is power, and with the control and timing of information, one can control how, or even whether people think. The tracks upon which the trains of thought ride are made only from the material available – the content provided by those who own the information. The general direction of the tracks, and the destinations (or conclusions to be made) along the way can also be determined by he who controls the information, but only to the extent that one is intimately connected to the information by their beliefs.

Someone once said, “Believe only half of what you see, and none of what you hear.” Good advice for anyone living in this modern era.

Life Without Lips

idiotboxSo I started watching this show called Parenthood, not usually my thing, but I like to check out Dax Shepard’s stuff when I can.  As I’m watching these shows, I’m realizing that what I’m watching is basically the same bullshit normal people go through every day – kids, wives, in-laws, job shit, cancer, all the ups and downs of every day life.

As I’m watching these shows, I’m realizing that what I’m watching is basically the same bullshit normal people go through every day – kids, wives, in-laws, job shit, cancer, all the ups and downs of every day life.

So I’m thinking, why do people want to watch this when it’s really the same shit they’re living every day, but played out by fictitious characters on a soundstage? It’s really just other people’s shit. It’s not interesting, it’s not all that tragic or stupendous. Reality television – the same thing – watching someone else’s life, but with REALLY bad acting and freaking SCANT production budgets. That doesn’t even sound like fun to me.

On a related note, I look at tabloids in the store for fun sometimes. I blurted this one out and caused a scene one day:

“Demi Moore got her lips did again, I wish I had enough money to get my lips did even ONCE!”

Chaos ensued. I’m sure this is not an original thought directly from my mind. I’m sure there have been thousands of people who have thought this exact thought, or at least very similar. Can’t you just feel lucky that you have lips at all? Imagine life without lips. That would suck.

Think About the Children

thechildrenI’ve been entering into discussions lately about solutions to the problems that we in the western world face as a result of greed and corruption.

One solution I present is that we voice our concerns with how we choose to spend our money. To be very selective about the things that we purchase, by purchasing used durable goods rather than new (thus eliminating our tax burden, and helping a fellow citizen who needs the cash), and make spending on frivolous items less of a priority, would cause our leadership to necessarily re-evaluate the ways in which they spend our money. Not that I actually believe that would happen, because…

Yesterday a very astute older gentleman brought up the point that what I was suggesting would crash the economy. You know, I just hadn’t thought of that before, you’re right, old man, it would crash the economy! Duh, how could I be so obtuse to not be able to see that angle?

Right? So I told him, “Hey look, we can do it OUR way, or we can do it THEIR way, and I guarantee you don’t want your grandchildren to have to do it THEIR way. Hear me now, listen to me later!” He stopped to ponder.

We continued the discussion for about 45 minutes, and the old man took on a greatly different tone and tack with regard to the information we exchanged from that point forward. I quoted Jackson, Eisenhower, Kennedy and their warnings, and asked him if he sincerely believed that these presidents were ‘conspiracy theorists.’ We discussed the inception of the Federal Reserve, and the central banking system in general, fractional reserve banking, and it’s fallacy. We talked about this current economic paradigm and it’s history – how every iteration of this system has failed in the same way. We talked about the inverse square law, and why it’s the reason that speed kills. The exponential function and it’s implications with regard to credit spending. I told him that if someone has to advertise a product to entice you to buy it, it’s probably something you don’t really need.

In the end, I really believe that it was the idea that even though he’ll probably be gone, his two grand-daughters would be left in the world he failed to improve upon in his lifetime. The old adage that eternity does not belong to us, that all we have is here and now may be true, but love is eternal, and is passed down. Or not.


flamingpeaceI’m an expert at a few things. I can deal cards, play guitar, and rock a machine gun pretty well. I’m not an expert at law, constitutional or otherwise, but who is? Fortunately for all of us, there is one simple constitutional principle which is easily understood without having the benefit of a law degree. This principle lies in the oath of office that citizens take when they are elected or appointed to a position of public trust. Local police and lower court judges, soldiers and military leaders, as well as anyone involved in the creation and prosecution of our laws, such as our state legislatures, congress, and senate, all swear an oath of office in accordance with the position they hold.

Considering recent occurences and disclosures, one particularly pertinent clause in these oaths which our leadership take is one that states that as a function of office, it is their sworn duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Our constitution begins with the words, “We the People,” which is appropriate because under our representative form of government, it is ultimately the people of the country who are responsible to the constitution for it’s defense. It is the people who are responsible for cleaning house when those who hold positions in government overstep their bounds and act beyond their authority as prescribed by the constitution. The caveat is, that even though the people are responsible for their leadership who take oaths to defend the constitution, the people do not.

I would like to encourage anyone not familiar with the oaths of office that our elected leaders, police, and military members take prior to serving the public, to read, recognize and understand the importance of the oath, and the implications regarding what happens when our leadership fails to uphold it. Also understand that ultimately, the citizens of this country are as much as responsible for the failure of our leaders as our leaders themselves.

Considering human nature, it is impossible to completely eliminate all corruption from social, political and economic systems which humans create. But there IS an unacceptable level. In light of recent revelations as well as events long past, it is no longer a question whether there are some in our leadership structure who are acting illegally and in contravention of the constitution.

Case in point, the release of information by Edward Snowden – information that the government had no intention of being public. I no longer indulge in debate over the merits of what Mr. Snowden did. Whether he is an American hero or a traitor is yet to be decided, and not by me. Snowden the man is no longer an issue. The cat and the bag from whence it came are the real issue.

The recent IRS scandal, and the obfuscation of facts by accused parties surrounding the affair stands as testament to the fact that our government is not completely honest with it’s citizenry. Many documented instances of malfeasance on the part of government leaders and parties exist through the last six decades. The Gulf of Tonkin, Watergate, The Iran-Contra Affair, and more recently Fast and Furious. And these are just at the top of the pile of public domain. Any fourteen year old who is so inclined can peruse the internet and find numerous cases of our government creating false narratives for events, obfuscating facts, and generally acting in ways not in accordance with the will of the people. This is putting it nicely.

Eisenhower warned a long time ago the folly of allowing the military industrial complex to gain too much power. Kennedy warned us of nefarious secret societies who were gaining influence in social and political structures. These warnings all came over fifty years ago, and we are seeing now the results of our inaction. Many would still say that these are concepts in the realm of conspiracy theory, but I say that Presidents do not have the luxury of being conspiracy theorists. Military Industrial Complex is a phrase that Eisenhower himself coined, and would have Kennedy really addressed the entire nation on television about ‘secret societies’ if he didn’t have substantial evidence of the fact?

Many great Americans have taken the oath, but many more great Americans have not. I have taken the oath twice, and while I no longer serve, I never untook the oath. I still believe in the fundamentals of our constitution, and I also believe that there are those in positions of power who seek to circumvent or even completely disregard the law to meet their own collective ends. These criminals need to be held to account.

There are many people in positions of public trust who are true to their oaths and are doing what they can to protect the constitution. There are activist police, activist judges, and activist legislators, as well as an army of private attorneys willing to challenge the merits of our leaders. But these people are too few in number, and require the will of the people to accomplish the task set before them. Only by the will of the people will change occur. Change begins by sending a message to those who have things other than the good of the people in mind, and holding them accountable for their actions. Simply voting out the offenders, and replacing them only sends the message that these types of criminal activity can be gotten away with. We must first eject the corrupt leadership, and then focus on the corrupt system as a whole.

The thin line between a regular citizen and our public servants is drawn by the oath. Local police forces are the last bastion of defense for the people against tyrrany, because they are the lowest citizens on the judicial totem pole who swear the oath to uphold the constitution. There are ‘bad’ cops in all police forces, but there are always more good cops, as there are always more good people. But when a cop goes bad, and commits crimes or rights violations, it is on the good cops to arrest the perpetrator and it is on the courts to prosecute the law in accordance with their oath.

I for one contest that the government of the United States is illegitimate under the law. Too many instances of government fraud, waste, abuse, criminality, and corruption have been established and documented as fact to be denied. If those who do not take action to uphold their oaths and bring the corrupt, criminal elements in our government to justice, then they are complicit in those crimes, and should be held accountable as such. I feel justified in my contention, despite my lack of knowledge and understanding of law, on the basis that there has been too much corruption for too long now. It no longer requires an understanding of law to see what persists. All that is now necessary for one to see the reality of the situation is for one to look.

Americans should recognize their responsibility and civic duty in doing what they can to preserve the liberties they enjoy as citizens. There are more than 170 million people in this country between the ages of 18 and 65. With those numbers, our job should be quick and easy. At most, anyone should only have to miss a week of work to do what needs to be done. The question is, how many of those Americans really understand what is at stake, and of those, who are willing to sacrifice their time and energy to the cause of cleaning out the Hill?

To the average citizen, these things are no longer important. We only have a cursory understanding of our representative form of government, and that is because we are taught nothing about civic responsibility, and how to secure and maintain the liberties and freedoms granted us by the constitution. Nor do we have any concept of what life was like under tyrranical, oppressive rule prior to our country’s inception.

Averyage citizens, in general, have more pressing matters to deal with than the maintenance of a government by the people and for the people. They have the myriad forms of entertainment, sports, celebrities, fashion, computer games, movies, television, and the internet. And if we’re not too busy entertaining ourselves, we’re commuting longer in heavier traffic to work more hours at jobs which largely produce nothing in order to put food on the table, and then dealing with the fatigue that results. It is the freedom, the creature comforts, the diversions and distractions which we all enjoy daily that, ironically, will lead us to fail to uphold that which allows for said freedom.

I personally adhere to a strict policy of non-violence. I also abhor capital punishment because I believe it goes against natural law. I understand that the punishment for some crimes of treason is death. People are enflamed enough and empassioned enough to call for the heads of those who have commited treason. Luckily, those so enraged are very few in number, but the number grows as our feet are held closer to the flame.

I believe that there is still time to take steps to correct the malfunctions of our governments, both local and federal, but it will not be rectified by vote. This problem will only be solved by inflicting the consequence of law on those who break the law, and in so doing, sending a message that such behavior will not be tolerated by the people.

The more time passes, nearer comes the day when litigation, prosecution, and protests will lose all effectiveness, and we will be faced with a choice as individuals – to fight to secure our freedom, just like our founding fathers, or live on our knees under an oppressive regime. I say that we hold the members of our leadership – our police forces, our judges, and our military – responsible and individually accountable for the faithful execution of their oaths of office. We make THEM make the choice on whose side they will stand – with the failed, corrupted system, or with the people!

And should they choose to go against the will of the people, then all of the might and will of the people in all their numbers should be brought to bear on them.

Things That Did Not Happen

1. The Department of Homeland Security and other privately held government contractors, such as the Federal Reserve and the Postal Security Service, have not purchased over 2 billion rounds of ammunition, to include hollow point rounds. They also have not purchased over 2000 Mine Resistant Armored Personnel (MRAPS) for domestic use, or tens of thousands of M4 Carbine semi-automatic rifles.

2. There are no specifically built “FEMA camps” designed to house domestic or foreign refugees in the event of disaster or financial collapse.

3. The government does not, and has not staged “FALSE FLAG” events in order to create “PROBLEM/REACTION/SOLUTION” style incidents which justify the necessary curbing of rights of private citizens in the interest of “SECURITY.”


4. The government has not coordinated the recent influx of underage illegal immigrants at many points on our border with Mexico in order to push an “IMMIGRATION REFORM AGENDA.”

5. The Federal government and state legislatures are not fabricating artificial points of contention among its citizenry by passing legislation to protect the civil and legal rights of homosexuals and transgendered citizens.

6. There is NOT an international child sex prostitution ring. Children are not being exploited for any reason, and are not being abused in any way, are not being used for purposes of BRIBERY or BLACKMAIL. The children are just fine.

7. The United States government does not, and has never in the past, SOLD OR GIVEN weapons and ammunition to any party or group affiliated with the enemies of the State, or any rebel faction who opposes any enemy of the United States.

8. The United States government does not, and has never in the past,  TRAFFICKED OR SOLD DRUGS within or without American borders or controlled waters.

9. The United States government has never OBFUSCATED OR FABRICATED INFORMATION used to justify the involvement of our armed forces in any military engagement, past or present.

10. There are no individual or collective human beings on the planet who have designs and plans of “WORLD DOMINATION.” There are no plans to implement a “NEW WORLD ORDER.” There are no plans for “GLOBAL POPULATION CONTROL,” in any form, by any group or individual.

11. There is no plan inherent in the current economic paradigm of capitalism to intentionally inflate the value of money to the point of uselessness. The central banking system made up of the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank DOES NOT have a globalist social agenda, and has no intention to cause worldwide economic downturn by controlling the money that we use to execute our day to day life.

12. The leadership of the United States does not believe that in order to establish security for it’s citizens, it is necessary to limit freedoms and liberties. There is NO ATTACK on the rights of citizens as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, or the Constitution as a whole.

13. There is no movement by the Democratic Senate to repeal the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, and replace it with a much longer, and much less “FREE” version of it. That was an internet hoax played on the people of this country by Ted Cruz and it’s comedic leadership.

14. Economic markets are established by the will of the consumer, and fulfilled by manufacturers. The prices of goods and commodities are set by supply and demand ONLY and are not manipulated in any way by governments, banks, or multi-national corporations.

15. The government of the United States, particularly its legislature, ARE NOT influenced by groups of people or corporations to create laws and regulations that are in the interest of their profit.

16. The leadership of the United States government, or it’s states, ARE NOT corruptible by foreign, monetary, or political interests, and DO NOT receive compensation in the form of cash, gifts, or high positions in private industry.

17. The US State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency have never engaged in the inciting of uprisings of a foreign populous, nor have they ever installed a proxy leader who is amenable to the American interests of “POLITICAL INFLUENCE.”

18. “OIL” has never been, and never will be, a singular cause for war. It has never been a primary cause for war. The production of energy for uses of locomotion and electricity by the consumption of oil are not important enough reasons to kill or be killed. The governments of the world understand this.

19. All of the things that seem to be happening, in the way they seem to be happening, are not happening. Rest assured that the interest of the common man are paramount to those elite who control the systems and machinations of this world. What you are witnessing is the struggle for our good leaders to cope with an increasingly complex and dangerous world. What is done by our leaders is in the best interest of the ENTIRE human race, regardless of social standing and station, economic worth, ability to produce, political affiliation, sexual and gender identity, race, creed, color, or religious belief.

Clash With Reality

When reality does not conform to one’s expectation of reality, the expectation takes over, particularly when reality is painful or requires action beyond one’s ability. What is left is fantasy. The repression and denial of what is known to be true causes a trauma of the mind which is persistent, not like a physical injury, but a continuous cycle of struggle between the senses which observe, and the imagination which will not accept the input. The result is a syndrome which looks similar to narcissism, and allows the victim to absolve themselves arbitrarily from any complicity in what is true reality, and from responsibility for the fantasy which has replaced it. We depend on people and objects to fulfill us. We expect that the people and the objects will fill the voids inside us. We take no responsibility for our own happiness. We depend on our government to keep gas and food prices low, to save us from the clutches of our enemies. We EXPECT this from our governments, but we accept no responsibility for our own safety and sustenance. We’ve waited for millennia, each in our own way, for a deity to save us. We EXPECT the messiah to remove our burdens and grant everlasting life, but we don’t want to be held accountable for our own salvation, much less consider the possibility that the keys to salvation lay in each of our own hands.

Rapid Expansion

When Adam was born, he weighed only 5 pounds.
By the time he was two years old, he was as large as the moon was when he was born.
And the Earth the size of the sun.
When he was ten years old, and he asked his father, “how big is the galaxy?”
His father replied, “As big as the universe was when you were born.”
When Adam grew up, became an astronaut and went into space, he, himself was as large as the galaxy was when he was born.
And the galaxy, the size of the universe.
When Adam Junior was born, he was only as big as an atom was when Adam was ten. He was 7 pounds.


Would a conspiracy involving a small subset of humans deliberately creating conditions that would lead to the death or displacement of 85% of the world’s population be considered mass homicide? That’s illegal, right?

LWH_whitetranspsizeIf a corporation is a person, and a psychopath is a person who cannot morally differentiate a human being from a chair or an airplane, then isn’t the world being run by psychopaths?

Corporations and governments reduce the people to more no than data and statistics, which are related to dollars and energy consumption. Some people will become liabilities to society based on an actuarial risk assessment, and as a result, the ‘producers’ of the society will become indignant – not toward the government, who emplaced the system of failure, but with the people considered liabilities, who drive up premiums.

Much less will consideration be given to an individual, and their value as creative, intelligent beings, and as the oceans slowly rise over the decades, and the blackouts become more common, and people begin to die of disease and starvation by the millions will we finally realize that it was all according to plan.

Personally, I have to consider that the architects of this system, it’s inevitable failure, and their resulting uncontested position at the top of the heap have to know something that we don’t. Like what did they learn from Tesla, and for that matter all of the pioneers of electrical discovery from Faraday on? What have they developed from Farnsworth’s briefly operational cosmic induction generator? Do they already understand how to generate energy from geo-polar or subspace resonance induction techniques as were developed by people like Tesla and Farnsworth?

Do they believe in order for the Human race to go forward, necessarily most of us must die – that they must cull the herd, so to speak? These people who are willing to go forward carrying with them the legacy of the murder of billions and billions of human beings – do they believe that they are to be saviors of the race and that their plans are for the best?

Or are they just consumed with greed and vanity?