flamingpeaceI’m an expert at a few things. I can deal cards, play guitar, and rock a machine gun pretty well. I’m not an expert at law, constitutional or otherwise, but who is? Fortunately for all of us, there is one simple constitutional principle which is easily understood without having the benefit of a law degree. This principle lies in the oath of office that citizens take when they are elected or appointed to a position of public trust. Local police and lower court judges, soldiers and military leaders, as well as anyone involved in the creation and prosecution of our laws, such as our state legislatures, congress, and senate, all swear an oath of office in accordance with the position they hold.

Considering recent occurences and disclosures, one particularly pertinent clause in these oaths which our leadership take is one that states that as a function of office, it is their sworn duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Our constitution begins with the words, “We the People,” which is appropriate because under our representative form of government, it is ultimately the people of the country who are responsible to the constitution for it’s defense. It is the people who are responsible for cleaning house when those who hold positions in government overstep their bounds and act beyond their authority as prescribed by the constitution. The caveat is, that even though the people are responsible for their leadership who take oaths to defend the constitution, the people do not.

I would like to encourage anyone not familiar with the oaths of office that our elected leaders, police, and military members take prior to serving the public, to read, recognize and understand the importance of the oath, and the implications regarding what happens when our leadership fails to uphold it. Also understand that ultimately, the citizens of this country are as much as responsible for the failure of our leaders as our leaders themselves.

Considering human nature, it is impossible to completely eliminate all corruption from social, political and economic systems which humans create. But there IS an unacceptable level. In light of recent revelations as well as events long past, it is no longer a question whether there are some in our leadership structure who are acting illegally and in contravention of the constitution.

Case in point, the release of information by Edward Snowden – information that the government had no intention of being public. I no longer indulge in debate over the merits of what Mr. Snowden did. Whether he is an American hero or a traitor is yet to be decided, and not by me. Snowden the man is no longer an issue. The cat and the bag from whence it came are the real issue.

The recent IRS scandal, and the obfuscation of facts by accused parties surrounding the affair stands as testament to the fact that our government is not completely honest with it’s citizenry. Many documented instances of malfeasance on the part of government leaders and parties exist through the last six decades. The Gulf of Tonkin, Watergate, The Iran-Contra Affair, and more recently Fast and Furious. And these are just at the top of the pile of public domain. Any fourteen year old who is so inclined can peruse the internet and find numerous cases of our government creating false narratives for events, obfuscating facts, and generally acting in ways not in accordance with the will of the people. This is putting it nicely.

Eisenhower warned a long time ago the folly of allowing the military industrial complex to gain too much power. Kennedy warned us of nefarious secret societies who were gaining influence in social and political structures. These warnings all came over fifty years ago, and we are seeing now the results of our inaction. Many would still say that these are concepts in the realm of conspiracy theory, but I say that Presidents do not have the luxury of being conspiracy theorists. Military Industrial Complex is a phrase that Eisenhower himself coined, and would have Kennedy really addressed the entire nation on television about ‘secret societies’ if he didn’t have substantial evidence of the fact?

Many great Americans have taken the oath, but many more great Americans have not. I have taken the oath twice, and while I no longer serve, I never untook the oath. I still believe in the fundamentals of our constitution, and I also believe that there are those in positions of power who seek to circumvent or even completely disregard the law to meet their own collective ends. These criminals need to be held to account.

There are many people in positions of public trust who are true to their oaths and are doing what they can to protect the constitution. There are activist police, activist judges, and activist legislators, as well as an army of private attorneys willing to challenge the merits of our leaders. But these people are too few in number, and require the will of the people to accomplish the task set before them. Only by the will of the people will change occur. Change begins by sending a message to those who have things other than the good of the people in mind, and holding them accountable for their actions. Simply voting out the offenders, and replacing them only sends the message that these types of criminal activity can be gotten away with. We must first eject the corrupt leadership, and then focus on the corrupt system as a whole.

The thin line between a regular citizen and our public servants is drawn by the oath. Local police forces are the last bastion of defense for the people against tyrrany, because they are the lowest citizens on the judicial totem pole who swear the oath to uphold the constitution. There are ‘bad’ cops in all police forces, but there are always more good cops, as there are always more good people. But when a cop goes bad, and commits crimes or rights violations, it is on the good cops to arrest the perpetrator and it is on the courts to prosecute the law in accordance with their oath.

I for one contest that the government of the United States is illegitimate under the law. Too many instances of government fraud, waste, abuse, criminality, and corruption have been established and documented as fact to be denied. If those who do not take action to uphold their oaths and bring the corrupt, criminal elements in our government to justice, then they are complicit in those crimes, and should be held accountable as such. I feel justified in my contention, despite my lack of knowledge and understanding of law, on the basis that there has been too much corruption for too long now. It no longer requires an understanding of law to see what persists. All that is now necessary for one to see the reality of the situation is for one to look.

Americans should recognize their responsibility and civic duty in doing what they can to preserve the liberties they enjoy as citizens. There are more than 170 million people in this country between the ages of 18 and 65. With those numbers, our job should be quick and easy. At most, anyone should only have to miss a week of work to do what needs to be done. The question is, how many of those Americans really understand what is at stake, and of those, who are willing to sacrifice their time and energy to the cause of cleaning out the Hill?

To the average citizen, these things are no longer important. We only have a cursory understanding of our representative form of government, and that is because we are taught nothing about civic responsibility, and how to secure and maintain the liberties and freedoms granted us by the constitution. Nor do we have any concept of what life was like under tyrranical, oppressive rule prior to our country’s inception.

Averyage citizens, in general, have more pressing matters to deal with than the maintenance of a government by the people and for the people. They have the myriad forms of entertainment, sports, celebrities, fashion, computer games, movies, television, and the internet. And if we’re not too busy entertaining ourselves, we’re commuting longer in heavier traffic to work more hours at jobs which largely produce nothing in order to put food on the table, and then dealing with the fatigue that results. It is the freedom, the creature comforts, the diversions and distractions which we all enjoy daily that, ironically, will lead us to fail to uphold that which allows for said freedom.

I personally adhere to a strict policy of non-violence. I also abhor capital punishment because I believe it goes against natural law. I understand that the punishment for some crimes of treason is death. People are enflamed enough and empassioned enough to call for the heads of those who have commited treason. Luckily, those so enraged are very few in number, but the number grows as our feet are held closer to the flame.

I believe that there is still time to take steps to correct the malfunctions of our governments, both local and federal, but it will not be rectified by vote. This problem will only be solved by inflicting the consequence of law on those who break the law, and in so doing, sending a message that such behavior will not be tolerated by the people.

The more time passes, nearer comes the day when litigation, prosecution, and protests will lose all effectiveness, and we will be faced with a choice as individuals – to fight to secure our freedom, just like our founding fathers, or live on our knees under an oppressive regime. I say that we hold the members of our leadership – our police forces, our judges, and our military – responsible and individually accountable for the faithful execution of their oaths of office. We make THEM make the choice on whose side they will stand – with the failed, corrupted system, or with the people!

And should they choose to go against the will of the people, then all of the might and will of the people in all their numbers should be brought to bear on them.

Things That Did Not Happen

1. The Department of Homeland Security and other privately held government contractors, such as the Federal Reserve and the Postal Security Service, have not purchased over 2 billion rounds of ammunition, to include hollow point rounds. They also have not purchased over 2000 Mine Resistant Armored Personnel (MRAPS) for domestic use, or tens of thousands of M4 Carbine semi-automatic rifles.

2. There are no specifically built “FEMA camps” designed to house domestic or foreign refugees in the event of disaster or financial collapse.

3. The government does not, and has not staged “FALSE FLAG” events in order to create “PROBLEM/REACTION/SOLUTION” style incidents which justify the necessary curbing of rights of private citizens in the interest of “SECURITY.”


4. The government has not coordinated the recent influx of underage illegal immigrants at many points on our border with Mexico in order to push an “IMMIGRATION REFORM AGENDA.”

5. The Federal government and state legislatures are not fabricating artificial points of contention among its citizenry by passing legislation to protect the civil and legal rights of homosexuals and transgendered citizens.

6. There is NOT an international child sex prostitution ring. Children are not being exploited for any reason, and are not being abused in any way, are not being used for purposes of BRIBERY or BLACKMAIL. The children are just fine.

7. The United States government does not, and has never in the past, SOLD OR GIVEN weapons and ammunition to any party or group affiliated with the enemies of the State, or any rebel faction who opposes any enemy of the United States.

8. The United States government does not, and has never in the past,  TRAFFICKED OR SOLD DRUGS within or without American borders or controlled waters.

9. The United States government has never OBFUSCATED OR FABRICATED INFORMATION used to justify the involvement of our armed forces in any military engagement, past or present.

10. There are no individual or collective human beings on the planet who have designs and plans of “WORLD DOMINATION.” There are no plans to implement a “NEW WORLD ORDER.” There are no plans for “GLOBAL POPULATION CONTROL,” in any form, by any group or individual.

11. There is no plan inherent in the current economic paradigm of capitalism to intentionally inflate the value of money to the point of uselessness. The central banking system made up of the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank DOES NOT have a globalist social agenda, and has no intention to cause worldwide economic downturn by controlling the money that we use to execute our day to day life.

12. The leadership of the United States does not believe that in order to establish security for it’s citizens, it is necessary to limit freedoms and liberties. There is NO ATTACK on the rights of citizens as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, or the Constitution as a whole.

13. There is no movement by the Democratic Senate to repeal the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, and replace it with a much longer, and much less “FREE” version of it. That was an internet hoax played on the people of this country by Ted Cruz and it’s comedic leadership.

14. Economic markets are established by the will of the consumer, and fulfilled by manufacturers. The prices of goods and commodities are set by supply and demand ONLY and are not manipulated in any way by governments, banks, or multi-national corporations.

15. The government of the United States, particularly its legislature, ARE NOT influenced by groups of people or corporations to create laws and regulations that are in the interest of their profit.

16. The leadership of the United States government, or it’s states, ARE NOT corruptible by foreign, monetary, or political interests, and DO NOT receive compensation in the form of cash, gifts, or high positions in private industry.

17. The US State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency have never engaged in the inciting of uprisings of a foreign populous, nor have they ever installed a proxy leader who is amenable to the American interests of “POLITICAL INFLUENCE.”

18. “OIL” has never been, and never will be, a singular cause for war. It has never been a primary cause for war. The production of energy for uses of locomotion and electricity by the consumption of oil are not important enough reasons to kill or be killed. The governments of the world understand this.

19. All of the things that seem to be happening, in the way they seem to be happening, are not happening. Rest assured that the interest of the common man are paramount to those elite who control the systems and machinations of this world. What you are witnessing is the struggle for our good leaders to cope with an increasingly complex and dangerous world. What is done by our leaders is in the best interest of the ENTIRE human race, regardless of social standing and station, economic worth, ability to produce, political affiliation, sexual and gender identity, race, creed, color, or religious belief.


Would a conspiracy involving a small subset of humans deliberately creating conditions that would lead to the death or displacement of 85% of the world’s population be considered mass homicide? That’s illegal, right?

LWH_whitetranspsizeIf a corporation is a person, and a psychopath is a person who cannot morally differentiate a human being from a chair or an airplane, then isn’t the world being run by psychopaths?

Corporations and governments reduce the people to more no than data and statistics, which are related to dollars and energy consumption. Some people will become liabilities to society based on an actuarial risk assessment, and as a result, the ‘producers’ of the society will become indignant – not toward the government, who emplaced the system of failure, but with the people considered liabilities, who drive up premiums.

Much less will consideration be given to an individual, and their value as creative, intelligent beings, and as the oceans slowly rise over the decades, and the blackouts become more common, and people begin to die of disease and starvation by the millions will we finally realize that it was all according to plan.

Personally, I have to consider that the architects of this system, it’s inevitable failure, and their resulting uncontested position at the top of the heap have to know something that we don’t. Like what did they learn from Tesla, and for that matter all of the pioneers of electrical discovery from Faraday on? What have they developed from Farnsworth’s briefly operational cosmic induction generator? Do they already understand how to generate energy from geo-polar or subspace resonance induction techniques as were developed by people like Tesla and Farnsworth?

Do they believe in order for the Human race to go forward, necessarily most of us must die – that they must cull the herd, so to speak? These people who are willing to go forward carrying with them the legacy of the murder of billions and billions of human beings – do they believe that they are to be saviors of the race and that their plans are for the best?

Or are they just consumed with greed and vanity?


buddhatvYou think TV is bad?

I say there’s nothing more confusing out there than the internet, particularly for those who indulge in alternate viewpoints. There is a conspiracy that has been made up as a counter for every concept imaginable. Most of them are just bunk.

I know many people who consider themselves very aware of what is going on in the world, but they don’t really have a conception of what is NOT going on. A lot of people I talk to will just spout off in a rapid fire manner all of the things that they are angry about, all the deceptions, all the disenfranchising and divisive things that happen in politics, religion, etc.

To most of them I say, you gotta choose. If you want to make a difference, you have to do something. If you’re concerned about everything, that leaves little time to do anything. Even if doing something means just having conversations with people about these things, which is enough. No one person can save the world, but there are a whole lot of people that think they’re going to by trying to tackle every problem or inconsistency with nature they witness in human society.

Choose that which interests you, and stick with it. Learn it inside and out. Scrutinize the sources and understand where it fits in the big picture. If you were to try to convince someone of the truth of something, but you only had a superficial, cursory knowledge of that something, your case would not be too convincing.

And don’t be discouraged by being laughed off for trying. Never fail for not trying.

Change the world in your own way, to the best of your ability. Don’t try harder, just try longer. And stick with what you know and what you like. Focus!

The Hegelian Dialectic

This term (and its attribution), is generally a misnomer in its application to issues regarding socio-political cause and effect, however, it is contemporarily used to describe a process by which an individual or a group can be manipulated, over time, to reject their current beliefs and convictions, and to accept and replace them with new ones. The Hegelian Dialectic is a benign philosophical concept, never intended to be used as any part of a plan of action for policy makers who aim to manipulate the masses, but simply the definition of a natural process by which human standards of concepts and beliefs evolve with increasing sophistication over time.

As a concept, the Hegelian Dialectic bears no consequence for the individual or the group, except that it is a tool for understanding their own relevance with regard to tradition and belief when compared to the dynamics of a changing world. It is a concept that when understood and utilized, could lead one to a greater understanding of one’s self and the world in which they live. That being true, it is also a concept that can be employed as part of an active, long-term process intended to create within people the ideals and convictions which tend to support those who depend on a particular ideology to further their goals.

As an active process to slowly manipulate and change the hearts and minds of a population, the Hegelian Dialectic consists of three stages: Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.

The first stage of the process is to present and confirm the thesis, being the current or accepted set of beliefs and convictions of an individual or a group. The second stage of the Dialectic is to present a conflicting view to the accepted ideologies and propose that the existing views are obsolete or outdated and must be replaced. In practice, this step in the process serves to cause conflict within the individual or group, and over time, cause acquiescence to the new paradigm via the processes of cultural and societal pressure. The third stage of the process is the resultant synthesis, a condition in which the individual or group capitulates to the new standard, casts off their former beliefs and convictions, resulting in little or no resistance to the new, and possibly contrived set of societal standards.

Cases of this model of thought and action can be seen in the public’s reaction to issues regarding same-sex marriage, the proclivity and legality of gun ownership, and race relations. By presenting through media the conflicted viewpoints of the people on the most sensitive issues, and inflaming their emotions, conditions for societal divisions are sowed.


The results are mixed, but predictable. The grander result of the conditioning is acceptance of the new norm by the majority of people. Conversely, the few who refuse to accept the new status quo, may feel compelled to vehemently defend their traditional values. This results in extremism, which can be seen most prominently in the reaction of the American Christian-right to issues such as homosexual rights and the legality and application of abortion. Also, the extremism of fundamentalist Islam is blowback from the encroachment of western capitalist imperialism into their traditional way of life.

It is important for every individual to recognize the frailty of their conviction and truly understand those principles on which their conviction is based. Without a solid basis of understanding of one’s convictions, one cannot defend them, and they will be vulnerable to the pressures that exist in this ‘go along to get along’ world.

It is also important to understand that it is likely that the information we’re presented for consumption on a daily basis, and the emotional conditions that result in the collective conscience is a deliberate contrivance intended to create confusion, apathy, and resulting inaction regarding the most important issues.